Saturday, November 27, 2010

My Old Dog

  I was just reading a post on a forum that I am a part of about this guy whos dog had cancer and he was trying to win enough money in poker to pay for her surgery.  In his case the dog did get the leg amputation needed and he was given a special price. Sadly a few months later the dog passed away.
   While reading this I started thinking of when I was in grade 1 and my parents brought home this mutt and said it was our new dog. We named it Lucky and until the year 2004 I had that dog. It was definately my moms dog however. I can remember playing with in, riding in the car, walking it, laying in bed with it and all the other fun stuff people do with their dog.
   When my father left in 2001 that Dog was my mom's lifeline. Whenever she was sad or crying that dog would be right their offering companionship and unconditional love. The dog always new when to comfort her and go lay beside her or put the head on her lap.
  By the time 2003 came we could tell she was starting to get sick and not walking as well. We could feel the lumps inside her. Late 2004 it got to the point where she could barely walk up the stairs or make it outside.
 The last few weeks in early 05 we could see her stop eating and continuing to struggle to walk and get outside. We then talked as a family and decided it was time to end her suffering. I called the vet and me and my gf took the dog to the vet. Watching my mom say goodbye to the dog and begin to cry as she told the dog how much she loved it and would miss it.
  When I went to put Lucky in the vehicle she could barely get in I had to lift her up to get her in. Reminds me when she was healthy she would just run to get in the car to go for a ride lol. Well when I got to the vet and took her in to the vet he asked if i wanted the collar which I said I did. He then stuck the needle in and that was it. She was so sick it only took bout 5 seconds.
   I never realized until writing this how much I miss the dog lol. I think I will need to get another one 


  1. i'm sorry for your family's loss, what a Lucky dog to have you love her, she is now at Rainbow Bridge, restored to health and playing and happy and healthy.

  2. I recently lost a dog to old age, she was the sweetest dog anyone could have, but like yours she was old and sick, and one day she just went to sleep and never woke up. It had to be hard to take yours to put her to sleep, but Lucky is in a better place now.
